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APA Citations
A citation is simply information from another source that has been incorporated into your own writing. In most cases, we include citations to support our point of view or argument. On occasion, we may refute another’s point of view or argument and include a citation to further support the point of view or argument of our own essay. In all cases, citations must be properly cited within our writing (APA format) and with a Reference List at the end of the essay.
Citations may be direct (word for word) or paraphrased (reworded by you). They may or may not include the author’s name in your own writing and must include the year. The following is a quote from an article by Tamara J. Erickson from Businessweek.com:
“They’ve come of age in the world of Google, where almost any fact can be found in seconds. Most will never have the mental store of knowledge that their grandparents gained through education.”
Direct quote using the author’s name in the sentence:
In her article on Gen Y, Tamara J. Erickson notes, “most will never have the mental store of knowledge that their grandparents gained through education” (2011).
Direct quote without using the author’s name in the sentence:
Critics contend that Gen Y is apathetic and lazy – that “most will never have the mental store of knowledge that their grandparents gained through education” (Erickson, 2011).
Paraphrased quote using the author’s name in the sentence:
Critics contend that Gen Y is apathetic and lazy, and as Tamara J. Erickson suggests, will never possess the storage of mental knowledge that their grandparents attained through study (2011).
Paraphrased quote without using the author’s name in the sentence:
Critics contend that Gen Y is apathetic and lazy and will never possess the storage of mental knowledge that their grandparents attained through study (Erickson, 2011).
Reference List entry:
Erickson, Tamara J. “Redefining Gen Y – BusinessWeek.” BusinessWeek – Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. Web. 07 Feb. 2011.
For the Module 3 SLP, select one sentence from one of the assigned readings for this module and complete the citation exercise like the one above.
1.the selected sentence as it appears in the original source
2.a direct quote using the author’s name
3.a direct quote without using the author’s name
4.a paraphrased quote using the author’s name
5.a paraphrased quote without using the author’s name
6.a Reference List entry for the source
SLP Assignment Expectations
Create direct and paraphrased quotations and a Reference List entry in APA Style